Wednesday 9 September 2015

Humble Beginnings

Welcome :)

Now where to start. I suppose a name would be a good a place as any. My name is Chris Deakin and i'm a 26 year old student awaiting to start my 2nd year of university. As you could probably guess by the blog title, I am studying a Degree in Film at the University of South Wales, Newport.

I have started this blog in the hope of giving you all an insight into this journey i'm embarking on, being able to share with you all the goings on as I progress in my studies over the next 2 years and beyond. I will also be sharing the hardships and rewards of the student life and the amazing adventures we get up to with a dash of a few films to watch out for. 

The greatest aspiration for my blog would be that I am able to pass on any film knowledge I learn as I trial and error my way down this path to making a career in this industry and hope you enjoy the future films i will be creating over the coming years.

Well here goes......

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