Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Charity Shark Dive - Semester 2 update

Hello everyone, sorry I haven't posted in a while, its been a hectic couple of months. I've spent the past few months of semester two learning about Producing, Commissioning Work and Film Analysis Two. I have to admit 2nd year has been the best year so far at the University of South Wales, with the work load being even less than year one arguably but neverless the subjects we are learning now, blow first year out of the water. Producing is by far my most favourite area and its been an eye opener to how much a creative producer actually does towards a film; coming up with an idea, requiring money for the film, legal paperwork, recruitment, shoot scheduling and budgeting, marketing and then distribution to name but a few. Commissioning Project was fun and will go into more details what we have got up to in that, in my next blog. Film Analysis Two is not as fun as the rest but I will also be writing a blog on this as well at some point detailing the subject matter I have chosen for the essay we have been set. Anyway moving on to sharks.......

Over the past couple of days I have spent the day filming my sister doing a charity shark dive in the Blue Planet Aquarium; compiling the shots into a quick short video. It was a fun half an hour shoot and gave me a chance to try out my GH4 for the second time, managing to achieve some half decent shots. I found the thick glass problematic however when it came to focusing but the camera worked great in the low lighting. Would love to try filming some videos underwater in the near future but in the mean time, check out the video below to see how it came out...